Paleoseismicity of Sweden and the Boda Cave Project
The Boda Cave Project is a neotectonic-paleoseismic research project
partly sponsored by SKB (1997-2001). A “final report” was
submitted to SKB on the Swedish National Day, the 6 of June 2001.
At the same time it was published on this website under “Public”.
The title of the 196 page report was.
The Boda Cave and its surroundings.
The 9663 BP paleoseismic event
The introductorial pages (1-6) and conclusions follow below.
The rest of the report is now removed from this website.
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Our entire
paleoseosesmic data base including the Boda–Hudiksvall
data is now published in a hard-cover, colour-print, book of
320 pages and 280 colour illustrations entitled:
Paleoseismicity of Sweden. A novel paradigm
Nils-Axel Mörner, 2003
A contribution to INQUA from its Sub-commission on Paleoseismology
To be ordered via the author.
Price: 40 Euro
How to buy this book?
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